Taylor Peddicord Photography

Photography Services

Taylor Peddicord PhotographyTaylor Peddicord PhotographyTaylor Peddicord Photography
Taylor Peddicord Photography

How We Got Here

Taylor Peddicord (@taylorpeddicordphotography) approached Scroll Media seeking assistance in achieving her business goals, particularly in securing a set number of wedding bookings and growing her social accounts.

What We Did

Scroll Media crafted and executed strategic content marketing campaigns tailored to Taylor's photography business. Our team focused on targeted approaches to boost visibility, engagement, and ultimately drive bookings. We orchestrated campaigns that not only met but exceeded Taylor's goals, showcasing our capability to deliver impactful media strategies.

Taylor Peddicord Photography


Taylor's photography business achieved its predetermined wedding bookings for 2024. Our campaigns generated significant organic reach, with one particular campaign garnering over 1M views and leading to a growth of over 300 followers. Another campaign achieved over 800k organic views, resulting in a notable increase in new booking inquiries. These successes underscore Scroll Media's ability to drive growth and achieve tangible business outcomes for clients like Taylor Peddicord Photography.

Client Portfolio
Professional Photographer
Taylor Peddicord Photography